The weather in Las Vegas allows motorcycle owners to ride their bikes more frequently than in less temperate climates. But that means motorcycle accidents also are more frequent.

Biomechanical forces on the body in a motorcycle collision are more severe than those in comparable auto accidents. Many times the damage to the motorcycle is not indicative of the damage to the rider who gets thrown from the motorcycle in the crash. A Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorney needs a secure understanding of biomechanics and injuries resulting from these types of crashes.

A motorcycle accident is often one of the more deadly accidents, with injuries tending to be more serious and medical costs being higher. Motorcyclists are often injured by negligent car drivers.

  • In the majority of cases, the other vehicle violated the motorcyclist's right-of-way and caused the accident.
  • Motorcycle riders are approximately 25 times more likely to be killed in a road accident.
  • Motorcyclists are five times more likely to be injured than a person riding in a passenger vehicle.

Nearly every motorcycle accident involves injuries. These injuries can be quite serious, involving substantial costs and lengthy rehabilitation. A motorcycle accident lawyer can provide you with information about personal injury law, as well as motorcycle accident claims.

By working with experienced motorcycle accident lawyers, victims can have some control and participation in ensuring that their rights and interests are protected. Call us today at 702-778-8883!

There are a wide range of causes for motorcycle accidents, some of which include:

  • Limited visibility — Intersections, buildings, parked vehicles, shrubbery, etc.; 70 percent of motorcycle accidents occur at intersections.
  • Road hazards — Potholes, oil slicks, puddles, debris and uneven pavement.
  • Invisibility of motorcyclists — The motorcyclist is undetected by other drivers. Truck drivers are at even more risk of missing a motorcyclist. Drivers of these huge vehicles often hit blind spots and do not see the comparatively small motorcycle, which can result in collision.
  • Motorcycle defects — Fuel system leaks, which present an increased risk of fire in the post-crash phase.
  • Weather — Heavy rain, snow, hail, etc., can lead to decreased visibility and hazardous driving conditions.

When people sustain serious injuries as a result of biking accidents, it can be devastating. Medical bills and family support during recovery are real concerns. We handle many motorcycle accidents and help.

Under Nevada's laws, if you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, including motorcycle collisions, that was caused by another person's carelessness or recklessness, you may be entitled to recover damages that include medical costs, property loss, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Due to of the complexities involved in automobile accident cases, it is important that you act quickly and contact an attorney with any questions or issues. Proving negligence in a motorcycle accident lawsuit takes an investment of time, experience and resources —advantages that only a qualified attorney can provide.

At Saggese & Associates, our goal is to provide exceptional legal services to our clients. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 702-778-8883.